
Contact Information:
Traffic Shop
(575) 397-9352

Engineering Department
(575) 397-9232

Police Department (non-emergency)
(575) 397-9265

School Zone Flashing Lights
For Hobbs Municipal Schools
View Flashing Lights Schedule (.pdf)

Traffic Signals and Street Signs

The Traffic Department maintains all aspects of traffic signals from changing bulbs to resetting the timing. If you notice a malfunctioning traffic signal, contact Engineering Department who will report it to the Traffic Department for inspection and repair.

Street signs are constantly being updated. The Traffic Department repairs/replaces signs, as needed, due to accidents and/or weather. If you notice a problem with a traffic sign such as obstructions, graffiti, a missing sign, etc., contact Engineering Department who will report it to the Traffic Department for inspection and repair.

Important Tips for Motorists

Drive the speed limit

Signals are timed to work best when traffic travels the speed limit. Driving faster will simply get you to the next signal too early, causing you to stop more often. The best way to avoid stopping is to slow down when you see a red light ahead and give it time to change to green.

Stop behind stop bars at red lights

The intersections have vehicle detectors which are either cameras or wire loops. These signals can detect the presence of vehicles and let the controller know that vehicles are waiting. Stopping behind the bar insures that the controller "senses" your car and keeps the crosswalk clear for pedestrians.

No "creeping"

This will not cause the signal to turn any quicker

Be patient

Traffic signals are timed and in a few moments the signals will change.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible for two conflicting directions of traffic at a signalized intersection to receive green lights at the same time?

It is actually not possible for two conflicting movements of traffic to have green and/or yellow lights at the same time.

There are a number of safety features that prevent this exact condition from occurring.

Even if a number of these features were to fail and the controller of the intersection were to try to have conflicting movements green at the same time, there is another piece of equipment called a "conflict monitor" that is designed specifically to detect and prevent this from occurring.

If the conflict monitor "sees" a potential conflict, it puts the entire intersection into flashing "RED" operation, and the intersection will stay that way until a technician has been able to fix the problem.

What happens to the traffic signals when they lose power?

It depends. Typically the signal will go "dark". However, some of our existing traffic signals have a battery back-up system (Uninterruptible Power Supply ? UPS) that can maintain either normal or flash operation of the traffic signal.

The UPS is capable of maintaining power for only a few hours. It is still crucial to remember that if the traffic signals do go "dark", New Mexico State Law dictates that motorists shall treat the intersection as an all-way stop sign, unless an officer is directing traffic.

Why do I have to wait so long?

The City of Hobbs has all major arterials in coordination: Which is a group of signals on a corridor that are timed to have the greens "lined up" so that cars move in a group with the least number of stops. In the mornings signals are timed to go south. Midday signals are for an average flow north and south. Afternoons and evening signals are timed to go north.

How does traffic signal coordination help drivers?

Coordinated traffic signals provide the following benefits to motorists:

  • Delay experienced by motorists waiting at signals is reduced.
  • The number of stops experienced by motorists is reduced.
  • Motorists are grouped in platoons traveling at equal speeds.
  • There are fewer rear-end accidents because motorists are stopped less often on major streets.
  • There are fewer right-angle accidents because there is less red light running.
  • There is less traffic cutting through neighborhoods to avoid signals.