Election Information

2025 Regular Local Election
In 2025, the Mayor and City Commissioners from Districts 1, 2, and 3 are up for election.
The Regular Local Election will take place on Tuesday, November 4, 2025.
Candidate filing date is Tuesday, August 26, 2025. All candidates must file their Declarations of Candidacy with the Lea County Clerk between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the Lea County Clerkâs Office at the Lea County Courthouse, 100 North Main Street, Lovington, New Mexico.
Watch this page for more details and information.
On May 15, 2023, duly adopted by Ordinance No. 1152, the City of Hobbs opted in to the Local Election Act. The election of municipal officers will now occur in November of odd years and be combined with other non-partisan elections for local governing body members. Because the timing of the election changed from March of even-numbered years to November of odd-numbered years, the ordinance included a provision allowable by law to extend the terms of offices for municipal officers. The next election for City of Hobbs municipal officers will be held in November of 2025.
Official Municipal Officer Election Results
Additional Information
My Voter Information

Use the search at the link below to look up your voter registration information and voting districts:
Placement of Election Signs Within City of Hobbs
For information about the policy regarding the placement of election signs for upcoming elections, please see Chapter 15.32 of the Municipal Code.
All signs are required to be placed on private property. It is recommended that permission be obtained from the private property owner prior to placement of election signs at private locations. A sign permit is not required by the City of Hobbs for temporary signs, which includes political / election signs.
Chapter 15.32 of the Municipal Code does not allow any type of election signs or banners to be placed on public property or within public street or alley rights-of way. The distances from the back of curb of a City street to the outside edge of the right-of-way line vary from nine and a half (9.5) to forty (40) feet. Please contact the Engineering Department to verify the right-of-way line location before you place any signs along City streets.
If signs are found to be in the City right-of-way, the candidate will be notified and will be allowed 24 hours to relocate the sign to a proper location. Signs remaining in the right-of-way after the 24 hour notice will be removed by City employees and delivered to the Street Department Yard for retrieval by the candidate within 30 days; if not retrieved within 30 days, the signs will be disposed of as abandoned property.