Press Releases

Water Conservation Period
May 10, 2019

The City of Hobbs’ Annual Water Conservation Period (WCP) will be in effect from May 15th to September 15th. Water restrictions during the WCP include domestic and commercial water usage for garden, lawn, or other exterior watering or sprinkling application. Such water usages may be applied from the water mains of and upon the premises of a property’s designated date and time. A property owner’s dates to water are designated by the number of their address and the calendar date; odd numbered addresses water on odd calendar dates and even numbered addresses water on even calendar dates. If a property has two addresses, such as a corner lot, then the property should reference the address number on their water bill to understand which day they are to water on. Watering may occur only one time per day between the hours of 4:00 am–8:00 am OR 7:00 pm–11:00 pm. You must pick one of these designated time periods to water, not both. For months with 31 days, no watering shall be done on the 31st day of the month.

The following water-wasting regulations that are in affect at all times of the year and will continue during this period include:

  • No person, firm, corporation, municipal, other government facility or operation shall waste, cause, or permit any water to be wasted.
  • Water wasting activities that are prohibited include:
    • Landscape watering on the incorrect day and/or during both time slots.
    • Allowing water to escape from any premises onto public property, such as alleys or streets, or upon any other person’s property.
    • Washing vehicles, structures, driveways, sidewalks, parking areas, or other impervious surface areas with an open hose.
    • Operating a misting system in unoccupied non-residential areas.
    • Operating a permanently installed irrigation system with a broken head or emitter, or with a head that is spraying more than 10% of the spray onto the street, parking lot, or sidewalk.
    • Failing to repair a controllable leak, including a broken sprinkler head, a leaking valve, a leaking faucet, a leaking toilet, or a leaking supply line or pipe.

A fine may incur if the regulations related to the WCP are not followed.

The WCP was first established in Chapter 13.20 of the City of Hobbs Municipal Code as an attempt to curb wasted water in the city, particularly during the hottest, driest months of the year when rainfall is at its lowest. Since its adoption, over 350,000,000 gallons of water have been saved each calendar year. In the desert climate our area lies in, this magnitude of water conservation goes a particularly long way.

If you need help adjusting your irrigation system, please give us a call and we will be happy to assist you voluntarily comply with this new law.

For Billing and Customer Service, call (575) 397-9216. For Emergency, Weekend, Holiday, and After Hours Service, call (575)397-9315
